Do you think you know about Bald Eagles? I have seen eagles my whole life and what I know for sure is that they are the most majestic raptor. Their numbers started dwindling in the 1800's because of habitat loss. Of course, you all remember the loss of eagle population due to the use of DDT pesticides. These pesticides harmed the eggs of eagles. On June 28th, 2007, the Interior Department took the aagles off of the Endangered Species list. Unfortunately, the feathers of eagles are still being used for Native American purposes. I know that my co-worker Anderson is always looking for eagle feathers. He now looks into places that have eagles that were injured or are being held in captivity. It is really amazing how many eagle feathers you will see at Pow wows or the "Gathering of the Nations" or other ceremonies. I truly love this raptor. I still am amazed when I see an eagle if flight. Eagles seem to stay around this area in the winter, feeding on fish and small rodents. You will see them roosting in old decadent cottonwoods along the Dolores, Animas, San Juan, and La Plata rivers.
Does anyone know any more trivia about this magnificent raptor? Please feel free to add to this. Tess
When I drive down to LaCrosse, WI in the winter there is open water on the Mississipi River from Wabasha on down. I counted 31 eagles one day last spring with at least 10 of them standing on the edge of the ice looking into the water. Very cool. And the National Eagle Center,, is in Wabasha, MN. You should make a road trip on one of your adventures to the northland.
ReplyDeleteAwesome photo! Did you take that?
ReplyDeleteI didn't take it, my co-worker William Yazzie took several photos of the this eagle, south of Canyon de Chelly National Monument. Tess